Why I do you Game or work on Your Computer?

Have you ever asked yourself why you play games so much or are on your computer so much?
I have more then once... My 1st answer is I love what I can do with a computer.... and I use to say I hate computers after I learned DOS... Boy did I want too BOOT the college computers and DOS... So I made fun of it and it was fun and funny... I ended up with an 98% on my Final Exam, don't ask me how?
I loved going to College I had so much fun... and I learned a lot.
For me I wanted to learn the computer so I could write again... like I use to do before I got RA in my fingers.
For years I worked at Winnipeg Photo, Lifetouch and Jostens and I learned from the Best Trainer then I became a Trainer!
then I was downsized because of Computers and downs sizing.
I was fun while it lasted. So I could take it that Computers put me out of work so I was determent that I would learn to use it to make a living.
I was Seasonal so I had a lot of time to learn other things on the computer like restoring pictures, I could use everything I know from work to do it. Plus I could do my writing again.
So I also write my brains out when I feel like it... Most of it is private for now.
Writing and Pictures just go together and the computers has save me years.
Why did I start Gaming well that one is easier or harder to answer depending which way you look at it.
I sweet little Puppies won't leave me a lone for a minute towards the end, they always wanted to feel safe. God that was hard and I wish I had handled it better at times. I loved very seconded of it I Thanked God each day for my Puppies.
I have thousands of pictures of them... Mind you Tia was like some of my people friends and gave me a hard time sometimes. Anyways I took up with the games to have some fun with some friends and because I could quit it anytime... To look after my Dogs. They came before anything or anyone they needed me... It was a wonderful time ....

Tia Sweet Pea Maria

Tia doesn't need a Wheelchair anymore, but I still hope to give one in her name...

Tia Sweet Pea Maria

Tia Sweet Pea Maria
My little Spirit Puppy

Press Releases on Aimal Love

I had to say see you latter to one on my "Best Friends"!

I had to say see you latter to one on my "Best Friends"!

I can't believe I am Pet-less I don't remember being Petless

I lost my Sweet little Tia March 1st. 2010.
I Thank God I had her so long... Her birthday is April 1st she would have been 18. I just don't know where all the years went and how happy my pets made me! Her going made my Little Boy Dog being gone real! While she was alive a part of him was still with me now that she is gone it make him being gone so real!
Now it hurts twice as much... I don't think I will ever be able to do it all again... mind you they gave me so much happiness, but the pain of loosing them is awful.

Tia needs a wheel Chair.

I really thought after he was gone she would go real fast.
At first she was really sad, she didn't want to eat and couldn't sleep always looking up and listening for him.
She seems to be healing well. At first all she wanted to is look for him. Which is hards for her to do with no working back legs.
I walk as much as I can, but it is killing my back and my knees.
I wish I had the money to get her a Wheel Chair, but the truth is I don't have it, times have been off for me since I was laid off my job. Anyway this is really about me she what I really care about I think it is my job to make her as happy as I can, and she seems to be better these days. She has been smiling, sleeping and eating better. She is still pretty healthy she just can't walk. I am sure She would be much happier, and I might be in a little less pain, if she had a Wheel Chair. Mind I have RC so I am in pain most of the time this year was worse because of the cool weather. Any time I think of how much this hurts me I think of how she drags her butt around just to, get a drink, play or make her way to the door to tell me she wants to go out. She is just the cutest thing I can't help but smile when I look at her face. I just wish I could do better by her... I try.
It is to late to get to late to get a wheelchair, but it is not for some other dog out there.
If you would like to help get a wheelchair, in Tia's Name, we would appreciate it. I would welcome the help and the sharing the glory of seeing a little dog run around... it would be more them welcome.
You can donate at, Paypal or Alterpay, the address is jacquelain10@hotmail.com
I will find another deserving Puppy that would love to run again. I will keep you all up to date on Tia's Chair... Mind you I may cry a little now and then, I am a real softy when it comes to animals... Today she is happy, for a while I tried to fool myself into thinking I could help make her legs stronger. With exercise, warm baths, brushing and rubs everyday.
A couple times a day. She tries to play around in the livingroom. She is so cute, always wanting to go somewhere, my poor back.... it makes her happy, I can't say no... she stole my heart from the second I saw her and my boy dog's too.

This is what my Dear Tia needed...

I had to say see you latter to one of my "Best Friends"!

I had to say good-bye, see you latter to my "Best Friend"! It more then I thought, but just as much as I feared. I have to much power to my liking sometimes! God gives us all power, it is a gift, but it is what we do with it that matters. I was given power over my Best Friend and God knows I tried to be good to him, always. But if the truth is to be spoken I wasn’t, but I was and will always be sorry and he was always forgiving. I loved would he looked up to me and “Smile”, even if thow he couldn’t see me anymore.  Mind you he I am sure he remembers what I look like and my smell. He seen my “Smile”, and remembers what I looked like and he loves to “Smile“, and to make me smile. He was my Dear pet for 17yrs, but he was 18 years old. He hardly ever cried or felt sorry for him self, unless it was a big deal. Like the time we were playing on the sofa and his paw and little leg slide behind the pillows, it went missing and it scared him, it was like he was screaming my leg, my leg, it missing. His face was priceless, he lost his leg, he loved his paws and legs you could tell by the way he walked, it say I am very proud. Plus me telling him everyday what a great dog is helped. Then there was the time he broke he leg, a car stopped on it. He was playing with the kitten next door and she ran out on the street and made it across , but he didn’t. When the car came to a sketching spot and I didn’t hear a sound I thought for sure he was dead. Then John ran to car and there he was with his leg caught under the drive side front tire. He was stunted he didn’t start crying till the car backed off his leg. We took him to vet and sure enough it was broke. I was grateful it wasn’t worse. I tried not to baby him to much, but it wasn’t easy. He was my little “Show Dog” he was bread to be a show dog, but he was born with a extra toe and his line on his face wasn’t straight enough for their liking, so they didn’t want him. I lucked out, God blessed me. I was so proud of him even with his little blue cast he tried to walk normal, he would sit down when he was tired or sore. When he got the cast off he would hold up his paw to tell me it was hurting. I think I carried that little dog everyday, to tell you the truth I loved holding him. He was my little “Hero”, men could learn a lot from him, in so many ways. He always gave more then he got.

Google Search

"Pets" If someone would have told me 2 little Dogs would harder to look after at times, then 3 babies, 2 in diapers; I would have laughed at them... If someone told me this would bother me so much I would have Laughed again... Their Birthday is April 1st, they will be 17 & 18. We are going to Party.... I have Champagne... Tia loves licking the fingers... To Cute...

Animal Love Verses Man

When I seen this I wanted to cry.

Sad Days

The Vet said, I have been lucky to have my Pets so long. They will 16 & 17 on April. 1st. I just pray they make it the Vet said, I should go by the weeks now. I just want 22 days, and 1 more for Luck. Mind each day is a Bonus to me. I Thank God for everyday...

My Puppies Tia Maria and Popkorn Oscar

These are my Puppies mind you they really aren't Puppies, anymore but I haven't told them that yet. It is like having 3 year olds around you all the time. Always under foot. It is funny, but they get away with more now then when they were 3 year olds. It is a lot of fun...and you could not ask for 2 more loyal loving, devoted friends. Really they are 16+ and 15+ years old, their Birthday is April 1st. We knew which month they were born in, but not the day, so I made Their Birthday April 1, but trust they are no fools. Really I would say they have been quit lucky. They have had exciting lives and do many things. They would follow us to out death. More now then when they were young. Their age is getting up there and their health is starting to go. She is cripple now, she comes from the Steinbach Puppy Mill, where they abuse their animals. She was abused by people and other animals, she was starve and never bonded with her Mother. Because she wasn't feed proper when she was a baby, she only has 2 good legs. I know we would have her a few more years if it was for that. Him well he has a bad hearth, but not really, it is to loving to be bad. But it is getting tired and his kidneys are that good anymore. Plus he is almost completely blind. So things don't get changed in my house a lot anymore.That is ok, it hard work anyway. Trying to keep them safe has become a challenge at times. No more stair for either of them. When they were young I used the stairs to exercise them, I am not a good Winter person anymore. They are either mind you she loves to play in the snow still, it doesn' hurt to fall. Speaking of her playing in the snow she wants to go out, I better go. I'll talk more taller, she getting upset.

My Best Friends!

My Best Friends!
Tia, Tuffy & PopKorn, 3 of my "Best Friends"!

Love Puppies

This is Tia, Tuffy and Oscar.
Tuffy was a lot older then his Sister and Brother.
He was raised by my Dear Father from his birth, Dad never had a cat before, so he raised Tuffy like a dog. Tuffy was about 12 years old when I my Father passed on and then we were lucky enough to get Tuffy.
When we brought home the dogs, Tuffy welcomed them as if he was one of them.
Not only was he a lot older then the dogs he was bigger then they were when we brought them home and or a long time after.
The 3 of them were funny, the dogs were forever coming from behind him and bolding him over.
Poor Tuffy, he use to like sitting on the front stairs watching the world go by and the dogs would come running out of the house and down the stairs bolding over him a long their way.
Poor Tuffy would fall to the grass. He would get himself up and and shake his head. As if he was saying, those dang dogs did it to me again.

Then he would look at them and go back and sit on the stars. Unless we were going for a walk then he would go for a walk with us.

Tia loves to read

Tia loves to read
Tia reads everyday.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tia's Aniversary Jan. 1st.

This is for our Little Sweep Pea "Tia Maria"and her Popkorn Oscar. They are a love story.
Tia comes from The Steinbach Puppy Mill. Where she was abused by man and fellow animals.
Only to be taken to another home in the city, where he was abused more by man and some more animals. Then she went into a loving home with 4 very active, load children, who didn't mean to frighten poor Tia with their playful children's noise. She never heard yelling that was fun before. Mind you she did try to fit in, but a lass her old owner lived right next door and she felt he was still her Owner. She needed to get away from him once and for all.
My Girlfriend Esther asked us to spend New Year's Eve with them, she also had Tia's old owner their as well. So I seen a lot first hand and heard some things I can't talk about just now, it makes me mad and want to cry. I will tell you he bragged about how he abused her, I listened with contempt and was proud of friend for taking her and keeping her safe.
Then my Girlfriend Ester, asked me if I wanted her, She said, she was having a very hard time managing her with him living next door. She said, I had been doing such a great job with my little Popkorn, she was sure I could wonders for Tia. I tried to explain to her he was a different story, he was not abused, he was breed to be a show dog, but was born with what they call birth defects, an extra toe and cruet line on his face. Ester went on as if I didn't say anything. She went on about how Tia and Popkorn got a long great. Mind you he has always been happy and friendly. But he was lonely, and she reminded me of that. I had complained he was always trying to take off on me to play with other dogs in the neighbor, and those days we had like a dozen. I did give that a lot of thought. I knew what it was like to be lonely. That was part of the reason I wanted him in the 1st place. Then she went on telling more of poor Tia's awful past, breaking my heart and really making me think.
I really thought about those, 1st 8 months of her little life and I could see she had a lot of healing to do and it would take more then 8 months to heal, it could years, then there was other unknown things that I wondered about. after I thought about it all well I guess you could say the rest is History.
He was trilled to have her come into our home and has showed it everyday since. He won't even look at another dog, if it upset her and it did most times. He was the only dog she has ever trusted or been close too. We did try to make her more social and we all did well with her, but you could always tell there was that underlieing miss trust. We found accept her feeling and respecting them helped a lot.
She has done wonderful in so many ways and we have to give him 90% of the credit. He kept showing her time and time again everything is fine. For years he won't eat until she ate first.
But sometimes somethings can never get better no matter how hard you try. Because she was starved so badly when she was a baby she didn't get the important nutrients she needed for her poor little bone and it gave her some unfix able spinal problems. Which has caused her to loose the use of her back legs. Mind you her little mind and attitude got way better, as did her confidences and self esteem, but her poor little body didn't. We tried our best to guess her the best food, but nothing her stop the damage done. The Vet only gave her like 6 or 7 years and then said we'll have to put her down. That was 10+ years ago. He said, she would be in a great deal of pain and the pain killer would hurt her stomach, I still have some of those pills. I rub her when she looks like she is hurting, or give her a warm bath and now she even like the blow drier and sleeping in front of the heating duct.
It is our Anniversary Jan.1st. It will be 16 years since we got her
Her Birthday is April. 1, 1992, she was 8 months old when we got her.
8 months in Dog time is already getting getting older.
What I am trying to say is 8 months of abuse is a long time.
In Tia case it was her whole so far.
She was so sad when we got her I never thought we could make her happy.
And to tell you the truth I don't think it would have been as easily done or as well done without my PopKorn Oscar. He was in love at 1st sight.
He made me Proud, he gave her a welcome I couldn't believe.
He gave her his bed, he gave her his toys, he gave her his food, but he also gave her his "Heart".